| 1. | General specifications for echo sounder 垂直回声探鱼仪通用技术条件
| 2. | Ceres combined echo ranging echo sounding 统一的回声测距与测深
| 3. | Inspection installation and water tightness transducer of echo sounder on berth 测深仪换能器船台安装和水密性检查。
| 4. | Supersonic echo sounder 超声波回声探测仪
| 5. | Digital echo sounder 数码回声测深仪
| 6. | Echo sounding machine 回声测深仪
| 7. | A device used underwater to produce pulses of sound , as for an echo sounder 声脉冲发送器置于水下产生声脉冲的装置,如回音器中的装置
| 8. | Application of gps - rtk integrated with digital echo sounder to underwater topography survey 与数字测深集成技术在水下地形测量中的应用
| 9. | In bathymetric survey , the recorded seabed is distorted due to the beam - width of the echo sounder 摘要在海底地形测量中,由于波束角效应导致探测的海底地形存在失真。
| 10. | He tried it ; but in the darkness the distant echoes sounded so hideously that he tried it no more 他叫了几声,可是黑暗中,回声听起来十分可怕,他只好停下来,不再叫喊。